A group of zebrafish
The 32nd annual Conference on Comparative Cognition (CO3) is March 26 - 29, 2025, in Albuquerque, NM. Join us for four days of science in the sun! The final conference program is now up here.
We are a nonprofit scientific society dedicated to gaining a broad scientific understanding of the nature
and evolution of cognition in human and nonhuman animals.
Our journal, Comparative Cognition & Behavior Reviews, publishes review articles on topics in comparative cognition,
animal cognition, and animal behavior. All articles are open access.
CCS gives out a range of student and faculty awards, most tied to our annual conference.
Read the 2024 special issue of L&B in honor of the contributions of Dr. Ken Cheng, our 2023 Research Award recipient,
The CCS Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) committee works hard to make our society and annual conference welcoming
and safe for everyone. Learn more about our efforts.
The new CCS online merchandise shop is now live! Show your support of CCS by ordering high-quality, branded items here and get them shipped directly to you.
CCS posts our Master Lectures, interviews with major figures in the field of comparative cognition, and other media on our YouTube channel.